Sanctuary supporters

Monthly donations are extremely helpful to us because your commitment means we can plan for the future.

As a Sanctuary Supporter, you will be contributing directly to a variety of plans, such as:

• Travel expenses to the drop-in. Often the only barrier standing in the way of our clients accessing our drop-in centre is the cost of travel. Not everyone is within walking distance, your £10 per month can help one person travel to this safe space

• Hiring the drop-in centre. The drop-ins we run are the heart of our organisation. Each week, refugees and asylum seekers come from all over Berkshire to this invaluable place of sanctuary. By providing £50 per month you can help us provide a warm and safe space.

• Increasing the hours for case worker support. We simply don’t have enough resources in this area to meet the demand. Your monthly donation of £112 will provide an extra day of this much needed service

The power of numbers

1 sanctuary supporter x 1 month of giving = 3 people can travel to our drop-in

5 x sanctuary supporters x 3 months of giving = 9 drop-in centre hires

100 x sanctuary supporters x 1 year of giving = 1 full time caseworker
*based on monthly giving of £30

Become a member:

We are a member’s charity. This means we invite our members once a year to our AGM, it’s here that our members help shape our organisation. As a member you will have the opportunity to vote on our plans and priorities.

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