Open letter in response to the conflict in Palestine and Israel

Palestine Gaza Israel Conflict: An open letter in response to the conflict in Palestine and Israel

Refugee Support Group (RSG) is horrified by the senseless loss of life both in Israel and Palestine and we stand by all those affected by the immediate fighting and the longer ongoing conflict that has seen immense suffering for the Palestinian people.   

RSG is a nonpolitical, non-religious refugee and humanitarian charity. Our diverse staff and volunteer team supports a community of refugees and asylum seekers from countries across the world who have sought sanctuary in Berkshire.   We offer advice and support to people, many of whom have lost family members, friends, and their homes after fleeing for their own lives.   

RSG witnesses daily the impact of extreme trauma on people’s lives who are seeking sanctuary and remains vehemently opposed to any action from any government, authority or organisation that creates or exacerbates such situations.   

 Refugee Support Group urges all world leaders to: 

  • commit to peace as an unquestionable and irremovable starting point on which to discuss, agree and effect plans that respect and gives dignity safety and a home to all people. 
  • Unconditional compliance with international law and international humanitarian law.  

 Refugee Support Group calls for: 

  • the immediate cessation of all hostilities. 
  • an immediate humanitarian response to relieve suffering of every civilian.  
  • unconditional protection for hospitals, their staff, and humanitarian workers. 
  • immediate protection for all innocent people and release of all civilian hostages. 
  • the UK Government to provide safe routes similar to the Syrian, Afghan or Ukraine programmes, for anyone seeking sanctuary in the UK from Palestine. 

Nick Harborne, CEO
Refugee Support Group

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