Leaving a Legacy Gift
You can give the next generation of refugees a lifeline with a gift in your Will.
Give the next generation of refugees a lifeline
Find out why legacy gifts are so important to our work, and how you can leave a gift that can transform the lives of the next generation of refugees and asylum seekers living in Berkshire.
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Why Leave A Will
Writing a Will lays out exactly what you want to leave your friends and family – without one intestacy laws decide who gets what from your estate. Writing a Will is easier than you think, it ensures your loved ones are looked after and will make things simpler for them at a difficult time.
Leaving a Will can also help causes you hold dear to continue to transform lives long into the future.

You Can Help The Next Generation Of Refugees
Remembering Reading Refugee Support Group in your Will can give hope to the next generation of refugees in Berkshire.
We’ve spent over 30 years helping refugees in Berkshire, and our aim is to be here for refugees long into the future. Every year, hundreds of men, women and children reach Berkshire having faced unimaginable horrors and escaped from war, violence and persecution. Many have been trafficked or were victims of modern slavery.
We offer them a safe space, practical support, education and social activities to help them get back on their feet and rebuild their lives here in Berkshire.
By remembering Reading Refugee Support Group with a gift in your Will, no matter what size, you can help us give that lifeline for years to come, to the men, women and children who need Reading Refugee Support Group.
What Your Gift Can Mean
Each year hundreds of refugees need our support in Berkshire, and that number continues to grow.
Leaving a gift in your will can help us continue successful programmes like our Drop In Centre that allows refugees to feel less isolated and improve their mental health. It could fund our football team that aids refugees in making friends through sport, or our Homework Club that helps children achieve their potential at school.
A Legacy gift could even enable us to create new projects that will touch people’s lives in new ways and help them succeed.

Watch this video by Boyd from Barrett & Co Solicitors about leaving a gift in your Will and what it can mean for the next generation of refugees in Berkshire.