Refugee Support Group currently have one OISC accredited Solicitor and a small team of Caseworkers who offer free, confidential advice and support to people seeking asylum and refugees who have Leave to Remain.
Our team assist with:
- Asylum and Protection
- Liaising with the Home Office (e.g. following up applications, changes of circumstances or address)
- Applying for Asylum Support (formerly NASS Support)
- Applications for Settlement (Indefinite Leave to Remain)
- Extensions for further leave to remain
- Referrals to external support services / agencies
- Signposting you to a solicitor, local authorities or schools
- Family Reunion (we will refer you to The British Red Cross in Reading who can help you)
- Applications for Temporary Admission
- Lodging(only) Appeals
If you need help, please call our office on 01189 505 356.

Please support this critical service by donating today
We offer a comprehensive service to refugees under various re-settlement schemes. Our aim is for each family we help to feel part of their community, building their confidence, empowering them to become independent and build a new life in UK.

Our team assist with:
- Helping families open bank accounts, apply for benefits, and register with their local doctor, schools and English classes.
- We introduce them to other Refugees and local community groups, to the library and to local events.
- We work to build their confidence and encourage them to volunteer and look for jobs.
We are only funded for a set number of families under the Syrian Resettlement Scheme, The Afghan Resettlement Scheme and the Ukrainian Resettlement Scheme. We don’t have funding to help other families who so desperately need our services, please donate today to change this.